.cdf files for trigonometry
.cdf files for trigonometry

The intention from the start was to make the observatory (Dome and Telescope) remotely operable with the potential for automated observations. The offer of the old Pex Hill dome seemed like the answer. The main problems being wind shake (due to the telescope being in the open air), set up time and awkwardness of moving the run off shed (which by now was getting difficult to move). This work reasonably for a few years, but not much in the way of observations had been done. The 18 inch telescope ended up being used on an AltAz fork mounting within the old TRO 30inch run off shed at the bottom of the garden at Church Lane. Telescope and observatory design and construction The 18inch F5 used at my old house for many years was moved to Church Lane back in From 1997 to 2000 the telescope did not do any observations due to the building of the 30 inch TROK telescope and two 16 inch F6 Dobsonian (to name a few).


Telescope and observatory design and construction Dome design and construction Weather station Dome control room Telescope design and construction Telescope drive system Telescope axis limits and interlocks Telescope focus drive and derotator Telescope mirror cover Thermal management Telescope instrumentation Control system and software overview Observatory operations and maintenance Telescope operations and maintenance Power up procedure Power down procedure Astronomers Control Panel (ACP) Supernova discovery and follow up MaxImDL Scope-drive software Scope-drive functionality Stepper Software Configuration Alazimuth start up sequence The Handpaddle Program display Setting the altitude axis and azimuth axis fullstep size in the config.dat file Setting the slew (halfstep) speed Setting the microstepping parameters for smooth motors Interfacing with other programs To use Guide, a planetarium program by Project Pluto (Bill Gray): Communicating With Other Programs Focusing Parallel Port Interface Autoguiding Drawings Power distribution Weather station Power control Dome azimuth drive control Dome door control Telescope control Hand pad Current Limiting Modification Stepper circuit Stepper system heartbeat shut off Field Rotation Network layout Material list Software listing Dome material list Weather station material list Telescope material list Links and references.98ģ 1. 1 20 inch Telescope and Observatory Observatory Design and construction Operations and MaintenanceĢ Contents 1.

.cdf files for trigonometry